Art in August 2024

Art in August is coming! For over twenty years, Winchester businesses and artists have collaborated to turn the downtown area into an arts colony during the month of August. We are now preparing to renew this festival for the summer of 2024.

Throughout the month, creations of local artists will be on display in windows and inside stores in downtown Winchester. The festival begins with a gala reception on August 1 , and features smaller meet-the-artist receptions on three subsequent Thursday evenings.

This year's festival will also see the return of Art in the Park on Saturday, August 17, a full day of arts activities on the Common at the Winchester Farmers' Market.

Residents enjoy spending time downtown to view the art exhibits, artists get some welcome exposure, and businesses support their community—and often get to meet some very interesting artists.

Participation is open to all artists who live or create art in Winchester, and all businesses in town are welcome to host artists. Matching of artists and businesses is done by the Art in August Committee.

When the selection process is complete, this page will show a full index of artists and venues, an interactive map of venues, and a list of meet-the-artist receptions and other activities. Stay tuned!

Art in August is sponsored by the Winchester Cultural Council and the Winchester Artists Network (WAN).

All events are free of charge to the public.

Google map is here.


We invite all Winchester businesses to host the work of a Winchester artist. Help us showcase the best of our community. See the information for businesses page and the business registration form.


We invite all artists who live, work, or make art in Winchester to contribute to this festival. See the information for artists page and the artist registration form.

Some History

Read about Art in August 2022, Art in August 2019 and Art in August 2018.

Note also that artists from the Winchester Artists' Network sell their creations all summer at the Winchester Farmers Market on the town common.