Open Studios Artists

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Artist Location Art Displayed
Crystal Bass Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Faux leather bows with crystals, with an elastic or clip on the back
Tracy Vartenigian Burhans First Congregational Church Oil painting. abstract realism.
Linda Callanan Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Handmade bags, jackets and one-of-a-kind sweatshirts
Patricia Canney Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Watercolor and pencil drawings and shell ornaments
Allison Manheim Caplin Griffin Museum One-of-a-kind dot mandalas using beach rocks and other materials, acrylic paint, dotting tools, and patience.
Heather Carroll Winchester Unitarian Society Textile objects of beauty, such as jewelry, mirrors & artwork
Bel Cauley Studio on the Common Ceramics
Alex Cook Griffin Museum Abstract, geometric, color relationships, figurative, landscapes, spiritual
Teri Coté Teri Coté Boutique Paintings, illustrations, jewelry
Courtney Dickinson Griffin Museum Oil landscape paintings
Joanna Craig Winchester Unitarian Society Polymer clay art inspired by nature
Diane Davies Winchester Unitarian Society Abstract seascapes
Debbie Taylor-Smith - A Simply Sassy Design Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Original flamework beads and fused glass serving pieces and accessories
Wendy Jo New (Wendy Jo New Metal Designs) Studio on the Common Fine Contemporary Jewelry
Richard Dorbin Winchester Unitarian Society Oil paintings
Reve Drapeau Winchester Unitarian Society Ceramics
Trish Gannon Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Pastels, photography, Nature's Artistry Interpreted
Mary Garrity Studio on the Common Painting in acrylic, oil, and gouache
Thespina Gennigiorgis Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Jewelry—custom welded and claspless
Earl & Tanya Howard Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Wheel thrown hand crafted pottery
Kristine Kamikawa Winchester Unitarian Society Painting in oil and acrylic
Ariel Kessler Winchester Unitarian Society Mixed media art, collages, cards, ceramic
Juliette Kopala Studio on the Common Polymer jewelry and creatures
Nina Lapchyk Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Scarves, hand-painted silk and hand-felted; jewelrly, embroided tote bags
Carolyn Latanision Studio on the Common Watercolor paintings
Ruth Lieberherr Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Paintings, picture books, cards, wearable art
Shayna Loeffler Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Handmade handbags from recycled materials
Nicole Luongo Griffin Museum Photography
Elizabeth Martin Winchester Unitarian Society Small batch, wheel-thrown ceramics
Deb O'Brien Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Acrylics and watercolors
Jenny Olsen First Congregational Church Oil on canvas/painting
Peter Owens First Congregational Church Photography
Marisa Paterson First Congregational Church Fluid acrylics
Pat Richtmann Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Creative needlework
Rose Walsh-Cooke Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Oil on canvas or board
Lucia Rubini Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Paintings
Ngaio Schiff Winchester Unitarian Society Mixed media/collage, assemblage, cards, bookmarks
Jerry Schultz Winchester Unitarian Society Jewelry and welded metal sculptures
Sharon Stafford Winchester Unitarian Society Contemporary basketry and studio jewelry
Betty Stone Griffin Museum Photography
Sri Thumati Griffin Museum Cyanotype and solar prints on home goods and photography
Nancy Venezia Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Wreaths and small home decor items
Jean Wallace Studio on the Common Painting, mixed media, photography
Gertrude Wallis Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Paintings
Cristy Walsh Cristy Walsh Studios Paintings (acrylic and/or mixed media) and collages
Martina Werner Winchester Unitarian Society Mixed media
John M. Williams Winchester Unitarian Society Collage portraits and land/seascapes
Greg Wright Winchester Unitarian Society Handmade glass artworks
Kiyomi Yatsuhashi Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Japanese textile dyeing, mixed media and photographs: scarves & other wearables, wall hangings, photo prints, cards
Lindsay Yatsuhashi Jenks Center/Winchester Farmers’ Market Crochet toys and plushies, elephants, dinosaurs, stress balls